Source code for tprojection.core

import matplotlib
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import tprojection.utils as ut

__all__ = ["Tprojection"]

font = {'size'   : 12}

matplotlib.rc('font', **font)

[docs]class Tprojection: """ this class allows to study the relation between the target and a single feature, with the specificity to display a chart type adapted to the type of the input variables (categorical or continuous) Parameters ---------- df: pandas DataFrame target: string feature: string target_type: string can take the values "categorical" or "continuous" feature_type: string can take the values "categorical" or "continuous" target_modality: string will be used for multiclass problem (not implemented yet) nb_buckets: int (0) if > 0, encode feature on nb_buckets dummy modalities if the cardinality is to high n_estimators: int (1) if > 1, use boostrapping to evaluate estimator variance (only relevant for categorical target and features) """ def __init__(self, df, target, feature, target_type="", feature_type="", target_modality="", nb_buckets=0, n_estimators=1, continuous_threshold=0.05): self.df = df.copy() = target self.feature = feature self.target_type = target_type self.feature_type = feature_type self.target_modality = target_modality self.nb_buckets = nb_buckets self.continuous_threshold = continuous_threshold self.n_estimators = n_estimators self._infer_type() self._check_dtype_consistency() self._infer_target_modality() self._sanitize_target() def plot(self): self.fig, self.ax1 = plt.subplots() self.ax2 = self.ax1.twinx() if self.feature_type == "categorical": self._cat2all_prep() show_boxplot = np.where(self.target_type == "categorical", 0, 1) self._cat2all_plot(show_boxplot) else: if self.target_type == "categorical": self._con2bin_plot() else: self._con2con_plot() plt.tight_layout() def _infer_type(self): if self.target_type == "": self.target_type = np.where(ut.is_continuous(self.df[], self.continuous_threshold), "continuous", "categorical") if self.feature_type == "": self.feature_type = np.where(ut.is_continuous(self.df[self.feature], self.continuous_threshold), "continuous", "categorical") def _check_dtype_consistency(self): def set_dtype(var): mydtype = str if getattr(self, var + '_type') == 'categorical' else float self.df[getattr(self, var)] = self.df[getattr(self, var)].astype(mydtype).copy() set_dtype("feature") set_dtype("target") def _infer_target_modality(self): if self.target_type == "categorical" and self.target_modality == "": self.target_modality = self.df[].value_counts().sort_values().index[0] def _sanitize_target(self): if self.target_type == 'categorical': self.df["target_san"] = np.where(self.df[] == self.target_modality, 1, 0) else: self.df['target_san'] = self.df[] def _bootstrap(self, feature): dg = pd.DataFrame() replace = np.where(self.n_estimators > 1, True, False) count = self.df.groupby(feature)[].count() for ii in range(self.n_estimators): dtmp = self.df.sample(frac=1, replace=replace) dg = dg.append(dtmp.groupby(feature)["target_san"].mean()) dboot= dg.aggregate(["mean", "min", "max"], axis=0) dboot.loc["count",:] = count.values return dboot.T def _cat2all_prep(self): if self.nb_buckets: self.encoding = ut.get_encoding(self.df, 'target_san', self.feature, self.nb_buckets) else: self.encoding = {v: v for v in self.df[self.feature].unique()} self.df[self.feature + "_encoded"] = self.df[self.feature].map(self.encoding) dg = self._bootstrap(self.feature + "_encoded") dg['baseline'] = self.df["target_san"].mean() dg.sort_values(by="count", ascending=False, inplace=True) segment = self.feature + "_encoded" self.dg = dg self.segment = segment def _cat2all_plot(self, show_boxplot=False): self.dg["count"].plot(kind="bar", color="blue", ax=self.ax1, alpha=0.5) xlabels = self.ax1.get_xticklabels() self.ax1.set_xticklabels(xlabels, rotation=45) self.dg["mean"].plot(color="red", marker="o", markersize=5, linewidth=2, ax=self.ax2) self.dg["min"].plot(color="red", linewidth=1, linestyle="--", ax=self.ax2) self.dg["max"].plot(color="red", linewidth=1, linestyle="--", ax=self.ax2) self.ax2.fill_between(self.ax2.get_xticks(), self.dg["min"], self.dg["max"], facecolor="red", alpha=0.2) self.dg["baseline"].plot(color="black", linestyle="--", linewidth=2, ax=self.ax2) if show_boxplot: sns.boxplot(x=self.segment,, data=self.df, order=self.dg.index, color="white", boxprops=dict(alpha=0.5)) self.ax1.set_xlim([-0.6, len(self.dg)-0.5]) self.ax1.set_xlabel(self.feature) self.ax2.set_ylabel( self.ax1.set_ylabel("count") def _con2bin_plot(self): """ plot two histograms, one for each class of the target if the target is binary and the feature continuous """ pos = self.df.query("target_san == 1")[self.feature] neg = self.df.query("target_san == 0")[self.feature] lb = np.min([pos.min(), neg.min()]) ub = np.max([pos.max(), neg.max()]) bins = np.linspace(lb, ub, int(np.round(len(pos)**0.5))) sns.distplot(neg, kde=False, norm_hist=True, bins=bins, ax=self.ax1) sns.distplot(pos, kde=False, norm_hist=True, bins=bins, ax=self.ax1) self.ax1.legend(["neg. ({})".format(len(neg)), "pos. ({})".format(len(pos))]) self.ax1.set_ylabel("density") self.ax2.set_visible(False) def _con2con_plot(self): """ display a simple scatter plot if both target and feature are continuous """ self.ax1.scatter(self.df[self.feature], self.df[], alpha=0.5) corrcoef = np.round(self.df[[self.feature,]].corr().values[0,1], 3) sns.regplot(x=self.feature,, data=self.df, ax=self.ax1, scatter_kws={'alpha': 0.5}, line_kws={"color": "black", "linestyle": "--"}) self.ax1.text(0.95, 0.95, f"corrcoef: {corrcoef}", horizontalalignment='right', verticalalignment='top', transform=self.ax1.transAxes) self.ax1.set_xlabel(self.feature) self.ax1.set_ylabel( self.ax2.set_visible(False)